Monday, April 30, 2007

Inverse Hedging Trading

Last week, I have attended a seminar on forex trading that tackles on the technique of Freedom Rocks Hedging style. The main purpose is to time the entry and exit of the trading to optimize the profits.

I thought it was really a "worth the money" seminar, as I can get an online access of the seminar for me to review anytime.

In fact, my latest portfolio entry was based on that. And true enough, within hours, my portfolio turned into positive, wiping out the spread's expense and then I gain some more. Unfortunately, I exited the market a little early last Friday. But just the same, after 3 hours, I have to exit it, according to the charts.

It's very simple, really. And I think any FreedomRocks members can easily understand this seminar. BTW, as I mentioned above, there's also an online recorded webinar that you can enrol, if you are not from Manila. Plus, there's a one-year free email consultation from the author.

You can email me,, and I can give you the email address of the author.

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