Friday, November 16, 2007

Can China Dump the Dollar?

In an interview of the Washington Post with Brad W. Setser, the Council on Foreign Relation’s currency expert. One of answers he gave was pretty revealing in terms of what China can and cannot do.

It has been known for a long time that those countries that export heavily to the U.S. do not want to see lots of appreciation in their own currencies because that would make their products less competitive here. Among these exporters, China is the largest.

Setser’s point is that China is already struggling to prevent appreciation of its currency against the dollar. If China dumps dollars, then the dollar might fall and its own currency would probably appreciate versus the dollar, thus exacerbating a problem it already faces. In addition, China does not want to do anything that would help push the U.S. into a recession because when the U.S. economy slows, the rest of the world does too.

In conclusion, it seems unlikely that China would dump dollars. In addition, China will probably have to keep increasing its dollar reserves for some time to come.

Excerpt taken from

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